
Showing posts from May, 2021

A Little Bit on Economics

  You Don't Know Jack Blog! The rate of inflation from 2020 to 2021 is already 3.2% which if you don't keep up with such things  sounds like a trivial amount but in reality it's pretty terrible. We're finally feeling the effects of completely  shutting down the economy for a virus that had a 98.9% survival rate. In my industry and many others  we're starting to see a drastic problem with items being out of stock, now to be fair I deal with consumer  electronics which is being affected directly by the massive microchip shortage affecting many other  industries, Ford for instance can't even build trucks right now, they had their workers only working part  time throughout the week and if it doesn't get better soon I'm sure layoffs are next. So back to the  inflation, 3.2% doesn't sound like a lot but something that costed $1.00 in 2020 now costs $1.03. Not a  huge increase you say? Okay consider this, I just recently bought a new car this year, it was r