A Little Bit on Economics

 You Don't Know Jack Blog!

The rate of inflation from 2020 to 2021 is already 3.2% which if you don't keep up with such things

 sounds like a trivial amount but in reality it's pretty terrible. We're finally feeling the effects of completely

 shutting down the economy for a virus that had a 98.9% survival rate. In my industry and many others

 we're starting to see a drastic problem with items being out of stock, now to be fair I deal with consumer

 electronics which is being affected directly by the massive microchip shortage affecting many other 

industries, Ford for instance can't even build trucks right now, they had their workers only working part

 time throughout the week and if it doesn't get better soon I'm sure layoffs are next. So back to the

 inflation, 3.2% doesn't sound like a lot but something that costed $1.00 in 2020 now costs $1.03. Not a

 huge increase you say? Okay consider this, I just recently bought a new car this year, it was roughly

 $35,000. you know how much that car would have costed just last year adjusting for inflation? $34,000

. That's an extra $1,000 increase in the span of a year, which is insanity.

Gas is now right at $3.00 a gallon in this area, the spike was partially an after effect of the colonial gas

 line shutdown by a rogue hacker group from Russia, which the Biden administration barely

 acknowledged after the democrats were obsessed with Russia for the last 4 years. I used to be able to fill

 my car for like $20-$25 when it was nearly empty, now it takes at minimum $30-$35 on empty. So even

 though inflation has went up in general that pales in comparison to inflation in terms of specific goods,

 take lumber for instance, lumber has went up like 252% the average single family home cost has went up

 by $16,000. This is partially due to Covid-19 shutting everything down and even though some degree of

 production had started back there is still limited supply and if you know anything about very basic

 economics and scarcity, when supply is low and demand is still high, prices go up. So Covid is

 partially responsible but also responsible is the fact that some people are getting paid more to not work

 than to work, there are a surplus of jobs in this country right now and no one wants to fill them, I've

 seen local restaurants closing earlier, not being able to open at all, or not having certain items available.

 So some would argue that there's no evidence people are not working simply because they don't feel

 safe, I call absolute bull crap on that, if people were that scared of this virus they'd never leave their

 homes, and I don't know if you've been literally anywhere lately, but people never slowed down going

 places in the last year, if anything they did it more than ever!

Worth noting, after a year of Covid lockdowns the economy is at nearly a record low, with Biden

 having been in office since February you would think that would've improved some, but the jobs

 numbers from the last month were very disappointing. With 1,000,000 new jobs expected because at

 rock bottom you can only go up right? Not with a Democrat in office unfortunately, showing a measly

 266,000 to an expected 1 million jobs is pretty poor by anyone's standards, but of course the media will

 find a way to not only hold Biden and his policies accountable but further still will probably find some

 bizarre twilight zone way of blaming Trump for it, it's a skill they posses at this point. 

But at least the covid restrictions finally got relaxed, so maybe some of this will improve, I'll try to

 make more of these posts a little shorter chunks to read but  for now there's a lot of economic things I

 wanted to talk about, and honestly I still cut myself short. But I'll talk to you guys again real soon!

